
I want one!


Thanks to Ator for mailing me the link


Yahoo lifts email cap

Yup , the yahoos at Yahoo decided to lift their email limit , now it's only a matter of time before someone does a YahooDisk or something.

Sky Sports signs Counter-Strike

PC News: Sky Sports signs Counter-Strike : "Sky Sports signs Counter-Strike" : sweeeet , now only if I actually HAD cable TV....

Halo 3 gets September release date

TG Daily - Halo 3 gets September release date: "Halo 3 gets September release date" : yeah and then us poor sobs living in deepest darkest Africa might get it 3 months later....

JustBlogIt with a simple right-click.

WOW , this is kewl , one right click WHAM BAM thank you ma'am.... now I can really be lazy...

JustBlogIt with a simple right-click.: "You must be using Mozilla or Firefox and have an existing blog to post to."


Setup Googletalk in Pidgin

I was just swearing at my damn Google Talk going on the fritz again (some script error in IE7 *spit*) , so guess what I did? UNINSTALL(ed) the abomination IE7. But , now I'm running Messenger (*sic*) AND Google Talk , but wait! What is this I've stumbled upon?

With the Instant Messenger Pidgin formally known as Gaim (hehe , sounds like Prince) , you can setup Google Talk to work in it.

Here's the link to Pidgin download

and the howto


Well , after having a look at my bud's blog (hey it rhymes!) thelonebladeclan I decided it's time to try my hand/pen/keyboard/sword at creating my own little universe of converse (hey! i might actually get the hang of this!)

Welcome to my Universe of Converse Accidents

some you might find useful , some you might not , some you will laugh at , some you will cringe , in the end knowledge is power , have the open mind to wield it.